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An image of a criminal being handcuffed by police.

Crime Rates in Market Harborough

Posted on 14th February 2019 by Wilson Alarms

Reading Time: < 1 minute

As with all towns, crime rates in Market Harborough fluctuate, throughout the year. Here at Wilson Alarm systems, we have been installing burglar alarm systems across the town for many years, helping to reduce burglary rates in the area. For our latest post, we take a look at crime rates across Market Harborough, looking into the individual crimes carried out across Market Harborough East.

The latest UK crime rates published for Market Harborough are for December 2018. In total, for the month of December, there were 101 crimes reported, however, this number only gives us half the story. To understand the extent of the crime carried out, it is necessary to take a look at the statistics that make up this number.

Reports show that the area of crime with the most reports was shoplifting, with a total of 27 incidents reported. The crimes that were reported least throughout December 2018 were robbery, theft from a person and incidents relating to drugs.

Other areas of crime reported were:

Anti Social Behaviour
Bike theft
Criminal damage and arson
Public order offences
Vehicle crime
Violent crime

A further two incidents reported were said to fit into the “other” category.

Wilson Alarm Systems

Here at Wilson Alarm Systems, we provide a wide range of security systems to ensure the safety of your domestic or commercial property. From access control systems to intruder alarms 24-hour monitoring systems. If you would like a quote or to talk to us about the best security system for your property, we welcome you to contact us. Please call today on 0116 245 3030 or send your enquiry through to our online contact form.

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