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Keys in a lock on an open front door

Seven Best Home Security Tips

Posted on 22nd July 2021 by Wilson Alarms

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Here at Wilson Alarms, we are professional and experienced security alarm system fitters. However, preventing potential burglary can be done from home and all be done without our help. Here is a helpful guide that homeowners can do to prevent their homes from theft.

1. Locking All Doors and Windows

What may appear to be quite a simple tip is something that a lot of homeowners are guilty of overlooking or forgetting. Before leaving the house, going to sleep – or moving to a different area of the house, be sure to lock all of your doors / porches and windows that will prevent thieves from potential entry,

2. Show Signs of Activity

If you are leaving the house for the night, it is important to showcase some sort of activity in the house that may fool thieves and deter them from attempting to break into your home. Show signs of life by leaving on hall lights / lamps, bedroom lights…maybe even your TV!

3. Ensure Your Home is Well Illuminated

Thieves will often look for homes that appear dark / hidden, that way they won’t be spotted when attempting burglary. Ensure your home is illuminated from the front, side and back of your homes – that way they may be put off for how illuminated your property is and leave the area.

4. Invest into a Security Post and Faraday Pouch

Some thieves may not even be interested in what may be in your homes, but instead the access to the vehicles you may possess. If by chance your vehicle is a keyless entry car, it will be wise to upgrade your vehicle security – as some thieves can steal your car without the use of the key! Here are some helpful tips:

  • Install a security post on your driveway that can only be unlocked by a key you possess.
  • Purchase a Faraday Pouch that will keep your key safe from anyone trying to transmit theft from the outside. Regularly test that your pouch is working by sitting in your car with the key in the pouch, and see if your key starts up.

5. Install Gate’s On The Side of Your Homes

Exactly what it says on the tin, install gate’s where you feel it is necessary to prevent easy access to the side or back of your homes.

6. Invest into Blinds

What may seem like a popular household accessory is also a fantastic detergent for potential burglary. Investing in to blinds will prevent thieves looking into your homes and attempting to spot expensive items. Just ensure your blinds are always closed, and your expensive items are out of sight when you are away from your homes or asleep!

7. Installing Alarms and CCTV Cameras

Burglars will often be deterred with the look of CCTV cameras and alarms. Contact us at Wilson Alarms to discuss the very best alarm and CCTV products that are right for your home, budget and requirements! Call us on 0116 245 3030 or visit our online booking form.

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